One week out from Design for Dying’s publication date, and the whirl hasn’t slowed down. If anything, it’s about to speed up.
Our debut signing at Seattle Mystery Bookshop on Saturday, April 23 was a treat. Lots of friendly faces showed up, and we’re thrilled to say the store sold out of the book! (Don’t worry, they ordered more, and we’ve signed those, too.) The next day we ferried over to Eagle Harbor Book Company, a lovely store on Bainbridge Island, for two more firsts: a reading and a Q&A. A reminder that on each stop on our tour, we’ll be giving away a book of paper dolls wearing Edith Head designs.
Next, a little housekeeping. There are more reviews, our favorite being this one from Shelf Awareness.
One resource we’ve turned to repeatedly over the last few months is the blog of Hugo Award winner Mary Robinette Kowal, with its incredibly helpful Debut Author Lessons. We followed her tips on author photos to the letter and were thrilled with the result, and have already put her book signing counsel into practice. As if all that free advice weren’t enough, Mrs. Kowal was kind enough to have us as guests at her blog’s My Favorite Bit feature. We talk about the secret history of movies.
The Design for Dying roadshow kicks off this weekend at the annual Malice Domestic conference in Bethesda, Maryland. In a sense Lillian and Edith got their start there when we received a William F. Deeck-Malice Domestic Grant for Unpublished Writers in 2013, so it should be a fabulous homecoming. Our schedule so far:
Saturday, April 30, 10:30 – 11 AM – Tor/Forge Morning at the Hospitality Suite
Our fantastic publishers are sponsoring the suite from 8 AM to 11 AM, and we’ll be there for most of the time along with fellow Forge author and Malice toastmaster Hank Phillippi Ryan. From 10:30 – 11 AM, we’ll be signing copies of Design for Dying.
Sunday, May 1, 7 – 8:45 AM – New Authors Breakfast
We’ll be up and at ‘em early, talking up Design.
Sunday, May 1, 10 – 10:50 AM – Panel: Lights, Camera, Murder!
A conversation about Hollywood-set mysteries featuring Shawn Reilly Simmons and Kathryn Leigh Scott (from Dark Shadows!), moderated by Janet Powell. A signing will follow.
And then we hit the road for the first leg of the tour, with signings in Houston, Scottsdale, Arizona, and Pasadena, California. Unable to join us? Here’s a way to be with us in spirit(s).
In Design’s acknowledgements, we thank the staff at Seattle’s Zig Zag Café, regularly hailed as one of America’s premier cocktail bars. We brought a copy of the book there on publication day, and the occasion was marked with the christening of a signature libation courtesy of bartender extraordinaire Erik Hakkinen.
The Renee Patrick
1 oz. Nuestra Soledad mezcal
½ oz. Campari
½ oz. Giffard Pamplemousse Rose grapefruit liqueur
½ oz. Falernum
1 oz. lime juice
Shake. Strain. Garnish with a lime peel.
You can serve it up or as a long drink, Erik preferring the latter. It’s delicious either way, smoky yet sprightly. It goes great with a book. We have one we can suggest.